Thursday, July 10, 2014

Banned in the USA...

I feel so flippin Banned in the USA right now...Can't score a job doing what I love, after doing it so long, without fail...

Back in high school one of my favorite groups was Luke Skywalker and the 2-Live Crew.  One of my favorite songs was "Banned in the USA."  It was a logical jump...middle school N.W.A.'s  "Straight Outta Compton" with it's violence, cussing and depiction of thug-life could only be followed by a group that could make parents bowels even more irritable ...The 2-Live Crew...who's recipe consisted of a healthy dose of cussing, lewd sexually explicit lyrics, which painted equally lyrical visions that showed the listener a raunchier, nastier, more vulgar, yet festive lifestyle with videos that became templates for generations of entertainers to come.  As a rule, Americans don't like excuses, and by the end of the Eighties many other Americans of that time-period participated in crime.  Now, breaking the law behind the reuse that poverty was to blame for it all was one "excuse" "the Man" could not except.  The idea that poverty was bequeathed to all poor people for all eternity by the proverbial hand of the "(white) Man" was considered by some easily solvable.  Initiative, motivation, virtuosity, hard work and education were all people needed to escape poverty...right...I always wondered if "White-America" was punished for their handling of NWA's music, which in retrospect at least mainly had a message of some sort woven withing their hard lyrics.  What was their punishment you might ask...better question is who...  

2-Live Crew proved  the rule because they weren't poor, or rapping about it at all, nor were they complaining about anything at all...let alone "the struggle."  They proved that there was something worse than the cyclical "wasted opportunity" epidemic that poor people chose to live in...Them...a bunch of out of control party animals from the later to be dubbed "dirty-South."  Their music was backed up by a newer type of club music that made anyone listening want to move, and if you listened to the lyrics, they made you want to be doing what they were doing...which was having a GOOD time.  Every other word was either a cuss word or a vulgar word for a woman's fun parts, and to top it all off they didn't even have to promote their music to get rich because their bad publicity was being followed by a very large and powerful audience...the teenager.  It didn't hurt that an old social media (music) was about to fuse with a new age social media (video) only to become arguably an almost unstoppable influence all over the world.

Uncontrolled, the new broadcast radio called MTV pumped music through televisions sets everywhere only better, by enhancing the listener's experience with a visual stimulus  MTV provided the avenue to support musicians experimenting with the new format, too many pioneers to name (doing so would only start many, many fights) and so the Revolution began.  Music + Video became music-video and the two were fused forever, married if you will, reeking havoc some would say on the entire world, a hybrid method to spread something far worse to some than disease...thoughts....ideas...this two-headed monster became a vehicle for change, good, bad or both.  

White-Americans in the mid to late 80's were nearing the end of an era after living a life the world envied since the end of WWII.  They set the bar, they set the market, they had it so good, and President Reagan wasn't even in office yet.  They were oblivious to their downfall that started in the 60's, mostly turned hippies and couldn't remember the 70's, and then their cultural influence was taken down a notch when one of their own took down our Gipper.  President Reagan's term ended, Iran-Contra happened, the Space shuttle blew up, the rise and take over of L.A. had begun, and with President George Bush Sr. in our short future, and I think ALL Americans felt vulnerable, the "new" Cold War forced us to reacquaint ourselves with an old, but not forgotten friend...fear.  

Funny thing is, what I remember most about the 80's though, was my music.  Luke Skywalker and the 2-Live Crew, NWA, Ice-T, Beastie Boys, G-n-R, Mottley Crue.  Some of these groups impressed upon me the idea people (I) should never judge people based on appearance (or a few nasty songs).  I remember coming to this Epiphany after buying and then playing out my "Banned in the USA" cassette single (purchased at my local Sam Goody, found at my local Mall).  I was awe struck that Luke Skywalker could make me feel so Patriotic, so proud to be an American and was only more impressed by what I would later learn was called "irony" of the whole ordeal that led to the creation of the song.  I decided then, to never judge people who look a certain way on the outside, nor be scared to death of them, nor (logically) let my fear of the unknown lead me to base my fear of any group of people around the actions of a few.  I promised then, that when I meet Ice-Cube or thought, if I were ever lucky enough to meet him, on a dark street one day, I would ask for his autograph, then invite him to my house to eat my mom or Grandma's cooking.

What the hell am I even writing about this for anyway you might ask...I was just feeling all "Melancholy and Infinite Sadness" because I never feel that the same (here comes their Buzz-Word) "Tolerance" is ever allocated TO me, or the unique way I live and interact.  Even sadder (or more irony if it suits you) is that I am referring to people who are supposed to be the "Poster Child(ren)" for Tolerance...teachers.  When I taught, my biggest struggle was tolerating the discussions, conversations, arrogance, ignorance and above all cavalier attitudes of so many teachers.  How about me?  Could I leave for lunch every day if I felt like it?  No, cause that meant I was doing drugs.  Could I smoke a cigarette at lunch?  No because I wasn't setting a good example for a child.  Could I show my tattoos?  No....not to teachers, adults, kids, young or tattoos were exposed to all at some point either by accident or on purpose and every time, nothing but judgement (not by any kids though).  They though, thought nothing of gossiping to each other, about each other.  They thought nothing about arguing with a middle-school child to the point where SHE struck two teachers, bit a security guard and assaulted 2 more students on HER way out.  All this, after a team meeting which left us all asking how the child made it to 8th grade when she received an "E" in every class she took in 7th grade...all while attending every single day (minus suspensions etc.).



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