Sunday, September 13, 2015


Don't just say words!  Speak them (the words) first of all in order, then with clarity, followed by with a purpose:  good words, bad words, invented words, misspoken words, foreign and/or domestic it doesn't matter...because MORE important than anything on the talking side of communication is what takes place opposite all the great communicators out there...LISTENING.  Are you a good listener?  Do you listen to people, or are you just waiting for them to shut up?  If someone is lending me they're ear, I can think of 100 things to say about what I'm talking about linking what I'm saying to anything and "point(s) expressed in an elaborate lengthy diatribe full of bad words, naughty words, sophisticated, raunchy stories all wrapped up in a neat "ABC-After school Special" episode, leaving my Listener in awe of me, or in shock, or beg hast, offended, unsure of themselves anymore all the while they are fighting for air clutching their stomach bent over, bright red maybe even fall to the floor. ...but I digress..

In the end most people can't do any of the above.  In fact, in my opinion, a rather large percentage of the world population appear to have learned their ABC's, moved on to master some gibberish, finally arrived to Kindergarten where they apparently maxed out their communication skills with screaming, fussing, fighting, whining and communicating their basic needs (I'm hungry...I'm thirsty).  Me, I AM all of the above, you'll probably never meet anyone like me, or you know just a few that remind you of have no idea what the "f" your reading.  It's just that I am in a strange place in my life that has me ready to go into the fetal position...again...only this time it's like I'm waking up on the floor after being unconscious, o hell a coma.  I have to get back up-again, fight back-again, have faith in people I'd rather not have to depend on right now-again, and much much more I can put in print (right now)...hell if we wait long enough I may be able to produce a sex-video...for the fans...(I didn't say it was of me...)

So it's been a few years since I created this alter-ego, and for the first year I have been putting him into practice, with this sickly arrogance in my own writing skills, in the beginning envisioning my blog and mini books would get me discovered and a book deal etc.  Notorious G was supposed to by my anonymous ghost writer name, cause I thought no one would or could ever figure out who (what I think is a cool name) was or is...but I could never get my real name disconnected/disassociated from it because of the way I did it...and once I invented the name here, everyone stole it everywhere else over night.  I actually have have lots of leads and or interest in me but mostly emails for invites to trainings, freelance writing, editing, eBook reviews, translations and the like, but as i mentioned's this blog that i wish would blow up and monetize because I feel so free and lately i'm feeling edgier and motivated like before when I envisioned this Howard Stern of writers Writer, who is actually not a character at all, just a bottled up renegade odd-ball boarder-line genius/insane multifaceted uninhibited Generation-X verbal assassin who probably would have had to go underground because of the pious, cavaleer bravery anonymity was beginning to electrify me with.   Still, this past year I realized that I was already Notorious G a long long time ago by nature, and after my last teaching job one thing became clear...people talk a lot of shit about me...and love all kinds of ways...behind my back, one room away, friends, enemies, girls, boys, men, women, teens, family, get the jist...The only thing left now is to get through this initial embarrassment i'm feeling because of what I'm calling myself and it will be done with.  Because out of the 5000 strong hits on my blog (soon to be followers i hope...), I bet zero are from my circle, crew, homies, homeboys or my n-words...NEwaYz...

Live life and fall hard.  Climb high as you can don't fear what's below.  When you fall, plan for extended kicks, not extended hands,  draft dodgers not Sameratins.  Deny the surprise and betrayal, but embrace the pain left by their wake.  Come about quickly and realize that you must get up.  Let your mind heal, then fall harder from higher without haste and step forward without walking backwards.  Stand with or against people...your people...their people...but Stand...Stephen King style...come what may.

Encapsulate humanity: Be proud, make mistakes, embarrass yourself, be proud that you embarrassed yourself while making a mistake.  Be proud to be be right, accept when your wrong and/or agree to disagree (If, "What does that even mean???" came into your heard never mind, and please never speak to me.)  Compromise character to be heard, to be listened to, to be respected, back down for the sake of compromise, but don't show compromise by backing down...oh...and don't compromise or sacrifice for that matter, your family so your opinions can be heard-not even close to worth it.  However, if you know when it's time to disappear from a large group of them, also...sometimes it's not enough to go away, but sometimes you gotta stay away, for time heals ALL wounds (some wounds just take longer than others.  So I guess this Blogg is for all the haters that got me hear, the ones who made me who I am today and the haters that are coming for me tomorrow...F-U and get ready.  Thanks to all of you that can't stop talking about me, lying on me, inventing story after story each one worse than the last, thanks to all traitors I found out about lying on me to my wife, story after story, lie after lie I'm in this spot.  For now, all I'll's not a good spot, and if I was any lesser a person I WOULD be on the floor in the Fetal...but like I said...all of the above...THAT's ME.  What that means is that if it's MY dignity, it should be me who LOSES it, not you who strips me of it.  Now it's personal cause my family may very well lose out the most if I can't right the ship.  So there it definition, by example and due my most recent Hater-Count spike, I dare say that if I had a choice to live between normal, rich and notorious...I would choose to be Michael Jackson...or I mean Big Papa...or I mean Rich...and Notorious.

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