Saturday, December 28, 2013

Duck Dynasty Disaster Dominates and Demonstrates our Diminishing Democracy

Duck Dynasty Dominates Diminishing Democracy

Does it really surprise anyone that the "Duck" family might not support gay marriage?  From what I read the manner in which Daddy-Duck expressed his views did not seem the slightest bit hateful.  He seemed to me in fact a bit charming in his obvious care in the matter.  My question is this:  Do people have to support the gay cause with all it's controversial sub-issues, or can't we just live peacefully among without having to discuss it in every aspect of society?  What are we saying here?  Why does any company at all have to take such action against anyone expressing their opinion here in the United States about something so controversial, unknown and desperately needing open discussion?  I feel like I have to agree to every and all gay/lesbian demands on all issues or else.  I know gay people and have gay friends, but when I'm home watching tv with the kids and they manage to see two women or men kissing for whatever reason it really puts me in a bind.  I'ts not like it's so uncommon anymore with the state of things (because of happenings like this) to see gays at least kissing or holding hands on the television, so what if I don't want to have to explain it to my 7 or 5 year old when they ask?  Maybe, since I or we as a society must accept that all the taboos' of the gay life be ignored for the sake of civil rights, maybe we could be allowed to feel safe enough to suggest something to the affect of, "...ok, i'm not homophobic, but I do draw the line at rewriting my religious beliefs.  

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