Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Reflection Chronicles of a Persevering Teacher: Teaching and the "Invalid Proof"

I empathize with my fellow Educators of planet Earth, doing what they love trapped within the paradox of their profession, essentially challenging history, some even (preaching) teaching to students that they must "learn from history", so cavalier and lost on their journey's inevitable end, or "place in history", valiantly defying the notion with their charming alluring way, both innocent yet ignorant not unlike children, never realizing that (we) they (ourselves) themselves...are living proof that what we learn from History is that we do not learn from History...In the world of Mathematics, they have a name for such fallacies...they are called "Invalid Proofs"...I'ts times like these that I wish I would've chosen law school...

Say What?   What You Talk'in bout Willis:  Examples of Valid Invalid Logical Reasoning

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