Thursday, August 13, 2015

Protect me from this Voodoo Evil so I can...Keep getting up.

I'm no stranger to Evil and Evil is something the world deals with on a daily basis, so I don't consider myself special.  I don't feel sorry for myself when nothing goes right (like many would try to say of me), nor do I curse the world when things never seem to get better.  After all, who am I, but one man on the face of God's beautiful Earth out of many, but...lately I feel like someone's literally trying to destroy me.  I'm not even being's as though someone or something (or some combination of both) is trying to destroy my life.  I've always taken life in stride, conquered every obstacle that has come my way:  I lost a hundred-twenty pounds...married a woman with a child from another marriage, who happened to have severe autism, cognitively impaired with a mean case of ADHD to boot...went to college at age 24 and didn't stop until I received an Associates Degree, Bachelor of Science Degree AND a Masters Degree...I did all that after almost losing my life to a gang and drug infested lifestyle that I never really chose to be a part of because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time (one time too many)...and I did all through my strong Faith in God.  Now, at age 41, I should be living like a King, building my 401-K (or 403-B I should say), paying down my beautiful home, enjoying not having car payments, taking my wife out on the town, spoiling my awesome kids and setting some money aside for their futures in education and our retirement...but I'm not.  Through the oddest set of circumstances I am blogging to the world only because I have time.  Three years ago this strange string of life-tragedies rained down on me from the heavens like hot scalding lava, or maybe like the old ancient plagues in the bible.  The book of Job has never had more meaning to me than now, but I'm still having a hard time not being angry at the Lord.  I must say, that Job made it seem so easy, but where I stand now, the only thing keeping me going is this blog that I just now am able to write because all my computers went down at once, along with my internet... that's two routers, four lap-tops and one tablet wiped, fried...almost meticulously keeping me offline one by one...I'm finally up and running, but I lost a lot of files I was going to sell (document templates etc.), hundreds of files and two of my books evaporated into the digital abyss.  My career is in shambles, I may never teach again, I've been falsely accused of things I cannot even attempt to publish, by people I loved, trusted and given the shirt off my back to time after time.  I am 100% alone, no one has my back, no one knows my story (yet), because that's how loyal I am.  I will have my they say because I am fighting every accusation and when the time comes I hope that my life history will be enough to prove that I am true, that I am decent, that I am good and that I am innocent.  I am praying like never before to God and asking that he protect me from this madness and beg for his forgiveness, protection but most of all that these trials come to an end soon.  This post is for all those people out there doing the right thing day after day when nobodies watching, only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up...only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up, only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up...Keep getting up.
Got to get up...

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