Sunday, October 11, 2015


Una vida dedicado, como orgulloso mexicano, nacido encabronado, y sigo engañado por lo que mi piel me ha negado...confirmación que soy Paisano. Seguí como planeado, pero que me hacia raro, era que en todo el gran Estado de Michigan, a nadie me pelaba como un Hispano Educado como tuviera fácil, a nadie quiso escuchar la historia de mi familia de mi cultura evolucionado y "buzz-words" como emigrantes, chicanos, drop-out, fracasado, pobreza etc. En 10-anos de maestro, 9 con ninguna falla, pero 9 anyos de nada que yo había ofertado, les apareció sistema podrida por dentro, de arriba, por un lado, continué mas por las dinero...o vacaciones...continué por los ojos...llena de fe en mi como maestro...cada alumno, cada anyo...continué para ver cuantos miradas yo podía cambiar...miedo, luego esperanza y el gran premio confianza...cuando entraron mi salón yo trataba dedicar mi alma por el progreso de cada uno...por el fe que tenían en mi. Lastima que cada ano el gobierno empezaba pidiendo mas por menos, culpando maestros, limitando derechos, fuerza, controlando mas, hasta el ultimo empece notar mas y mas sustitutos y ayudantes, aveces pasando la cuenta de verdadero maestros. Mi fe en la sistema, fue confirmado cuando mi futura desapareció igual que del mis alumnos, y como mis alumnos deje profesión sintiendo castigando, fracasado y avergonzado. Extraño los alumnos, pero menos la gente Académica. Nada les pareció mis ideas, no les importaban ni admiraron mis pasos de la vida, nada de mi pasado de joven, familia o dificultades. Solo sentí que mas esperaron el futuro...sin mi, o sin trabajar...como un caso cerrado mi energía era nada, les impresionaba menos, y mi diagnostico es que la sistema esta congelado, ni yo con mi esperanza de ninyo pudo arreglar lo un poco. Espero que con tiempo mi sueno sera realizado, regresar al salón como maestro Y ser aceptado como buen socio, con mi dedicación notado tanto que alguien el la comunidad sienten que merezco mínimo un párrafo, en una revista, como un Hispano exitoso, honesto, dedicado, inteligente y educado, y con eso pudiera ayudar mi gente en la próxima nivel...trabajando en una posición el único latino...para sentir me como un respetado y importante modelo. Mi gente, mi raza, la Comunidad Hispana, a nadie me dieron ni un papa. Ni siquiera fijaron en mi trabajo o historia, y cuando cayo Roma, y paso que me paso, todos me abandonaron. Por no ser egoísta, y por ser dedicado sin tiempo para "Networking" poniendo todo por mis estudiantes primero, 2do mis hijos, y mi esposa ultima, casi perdí todo. En total, mi vida vale nada...como nunca gane premios para maestro porque cambie de lugar tantas veces.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Don't just say words!  Speak them (the words) first of all in order, then with clarity, followed by with a purpose:  good words, bad words, invented words, misspoken words, foreign and/or domestic it doesn't matter...because MORE important than anything on the talking side of communication is what takes place opposite all the great communicators out there...LISTENING.  Are you a good listener?  Do you listen to people, or are you just waiting for them to shut up?  If someone is lending me they're ear, I can think of 100 things to say about what I'm talking about linking what I'm saying to anything and "point(s) expressed in an elaborate lengthy diatribe full of bad words, naughty words, sophisticated, raunchy stories all wrapped up in a neat "ABC-After school Special" episode, leaving my Listener in awe of me, or in shock, or beg hast, offended, unsure of themselves anymore all the while they are fighting for air clutching their stomach bent over, bright red maybe even fall to the floor. ...but I digress..

In the end most people can't do any of the above.  In fact, in my opinion, a rather large percentage of the world population appear to have learned their ABC's, moved on to master some gibberish, finally arrived to Kindergarten where they apparently maxed out their communication skills with screaming, fussing, fighting, whining and communicating their basic needs (I'm hungry...I'm thirsty).  Me, I AM all of the above, you'll probably never meet anyone like me, or you know just a few that remind you of have no idea what the "f" your reading.  It's just that I am in a strange place in my life that has me ready to go into the fetal position...again...only this time it's like I'm waking up on the floor after being unconscious, o hell a coma.  I have to get back up-again, fight back-again, have faith in people I'd rather not have to depend on right now-again, and much much more I can put in print (right now)...hell if we wait long enough I may be able to produce a sex-video...for the fans...(I didn't say it was of me...)

So it's been a few years since I created this alter-ego, and for the first year I have been putting him into practice, with this sickly arrogance in my own writing skills, in the beginning envisioning my blog and mini books would get me discovered and a book deal etc.  Notorious G was supposed to by my anonymous ghost writer name, cause I thought no one would or could ever figure out who (what I think is a cool name) was or is...but I could never get my real name disconnected/disassociated from it because of the way I did it...and once I invented the name here, everyone stole it everywhere else over night.  I actually have have lots of leads and or interest in me but mostly emails for invites to trainings, freelance writing, editing, eBook reviews, translations and the like, but as i mentioned's this blog that i wish would blow up and monetize because I feel so free and lately i'm feeling edgier and motivated like before when I envisioned this Howard Stern of writers Writer, who is actually not a character at all, just a bottled up renegade odd-ball boarder-line genius/insane multifaceted uninhibited Generation-X verbal assassin who probably would have had to go underground because of the pious, cavaleer bravery anonymity was beginning to electrify me with.   Still, this past year I realized that I was already Notorious G a long long time ago by nature, and after my last teaching job one thing became clear...people talk a lot of shit about me...and love all kinds of ways...behind my back, one room away, friends, enemies, girls, boys, men, women, teens, family, get the jist...The only thing left now is to get through this initial embarrassment i'm feeling because of what I'm calling myself and it will be done with.  Because out of the 5000 strong hits on my blog (soon to be followers i hope...), I bet zero are from my circle, crew, homies, homeboys or my n-words...NEwaYz...

Live life and fall hard.  Climb high as you can don't fear what's below.  When you fall, plan for extended kicks, not extended hands,  draft dodgers not Sameratins.  Deny the surprise and betrayal, but embrace the pain left by their wake.  Come about quickly and realize that you must get up.  Let your mind heal, then fall harder from higher without haste and step forward without walking backwards.  Stand with or against people...your people...their people...but Stand...Stephen King style...come what may.

Encapsulate humanity: Be proud, make mistakes, embarrass yourself, be proud that you embarrassed yourself while making a mistake.  Be proud to be be right, accept when your wrong and/or agree to disagree (If, "What does that even mean???" came into your heard never mind, and please never speak to me.)  Compromise character to be heard, to be listened to, to be respected, back down for the sake of compromise, but don't show compromise by backing down...oh...and don't compromise or sacrifice for that matter, your family so your opinions can be heard-not even close to worth it.  However, if you know when it's time to disappear from a large group of them, also...sometimes it's not enough to go away, but sometimes you gotta stay away, for time heals ALL wounds (some wounds just take longer than others.  So I guess this Blogg is for all the haters that got me hear, the ones who made me who I am today and the haters that are coming for me tomorrow...F-U and get ready.  Thanks to all of you that can't stop talking about me, lying on me, inventing story after story each one worse than the last, thanks to all traitors I found out about lying on me to my wife, story after story, lie after lie I'm in this spot.  For now, all I'll's not a good spot, and if I was any lesser a person I WOULD be on the floor in the Fetal...but like I said...all of the above...THAT's ME.  What that means is that if it's MY dignity, it should be me who LOSES it, not you who strips me of it.  Now it's personal cause my family may very well lose out the most if I can't right the ship.  So there it definition, by example and due my most recent Hater-Count spike, I dare say that if I had a choice to live between normal, rich and notorious...I would choose to be Michael Jackson...or I mean Big Papa...or I mean Rich...and Notorious.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Poll Time for Signs...of the Times: by Notorious G

Have you ever blocked your Husband, Wife or significant other during the relationship?

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day about Facebook and how it was amazing how such a thing was changing almost every aspect of life in so many ways.  It led to my friend "confessing" to me something personal about the marriage he/she was a part of with the love of her/his life that interested me.  Let's just leave it at that and please...take the poll found at the link above...then come back and comment any thoughts on the issue at hand.  Is it OK to do something like this?  Why or Why not?  Maybe?  Let the fun begin...and as always...Thanks for your support!


My poor...poor...little dude...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Home at last...and an attempt at some luvin...

Longest 3 days of my life...Brandon and Johanna with one sitter...Johnny with Respite providers over night...when as of Monday all was set and ready to rock...when U of M called Wednesday changing the surgeey time from 11am to wife just got us two new phones...and the service provider wiped all our phones contacts leavi ng us...mor so ce my wife usually handles all hwalth care for the kids...but she was forced to workb13 hour shifts aaaaaaaallll week thanks to our bill obligations and my spending carelessness....sleepy time...but attempt for some luvin...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My baby boy goes under the knife tomorrow...

My youngest son is having an actual surgery tomorrow.  He's four years old so I am scared to death.  He was born with Hemifacial Hyperplasia which literally means "half of the head is over grown.  The odds of getting such a thing are pretty high, and at first we thought it was cancer.  Four years later after close observation from his Pediatrician Dr. C, the Neurologists at Devos Children's, Dr. S. of Grand Rapids Ear Nose and Throat, his dentist at Kent County Clinic and the countless specialists at THE University of Michigan, we have finally determined what he has and that it is not overgrowing at a rate that would be considered severe, and have determined a course of action deemed "necessary" with more options for him when he is old enough to decide for himself what he wants to do.  God Bless all the Doctors that quickly got him where he needed to be, and kept him safe procedure after procedure.

Please buy a T-shirt! Proceeds for Special Bed...

We are in desperate need of a Special bed for our Special Needs son.  The bed is designed to prevent him from escaping into the night out the windows on those crazy nights when his meds won't put him to sleep.  You can purchase our awesome blue high quality t-shirt's through this site, and you can also choose to give cash only or both.  The bed costs almost $1,000 and the guy has to come build most of it within the room itself.  My wife has been wanting this bed for almost 7-years now, so instead of giving up on it after our last horrible escape situation because I can't afford it myself, I'm going to try to raise the money one more time  I hope you can contribute to this cause and make me look good to my wife, but more importantly help me keep my kid safe, because like others who care for older Special Need kids the support is less and less.  Thanks in advance!  Thanks for the views!

Protect me from this Voodoo Evil so I can...Keep getting up.

I'm no stranger to Evil and Evil is something the world deals with on a daily basis, so I don't consider myself special.  I don't feel sorry for myself when nothing goes right (like many would try to say of me), nor do I curse the world when things never seem to get better.  After all, who am I, but one man on the face of God's beautiful Earth out of many, but...lately I feel like someone's literally trying to destroy me.  I'm not even being's as though someone or something (or some combination of both) is trying to destroy my life.  I've always taken life in stride, conquered every obstacle that has come my way:  I lost a hundred-twenty pounds...married a woman with a child from another marriage, who happened to have severe autism, cognitively impaired with a mean case of ADHD to boot...went to college at age 24 and didn't stop until I received an Associates Degree, Bachelor of Science Degree AND a Masters Degree...I did all that after almost losing my life to a gang and drug infested lifestyle that I never really chose to be a part of because I was at the wrong place at the wrong time (one time too many)...and I did all through my strong Faith in God.  Now, at age 41, I should be living like a King, building my 401-K (or 403-B I should say), paying down my beautiful home, enjoying not having car payments, taking my wife out on the town, spoiling my awesome kids and setting some money aside for their futures in education and our retirement...but I'm not.  Through the oddest set of circumstances I am blogging to the world only because I have time.  Three years ago this strange string of life-tragedies rained down on me from the heavens like hot scalding lava, or maybe like the old ancient plagues in the bible.  The book of Job has never had more meaning to me than now, but I'm still having a hard time not being angry at the Lord.  I must say, that Job made it seem so easy, but where I stand now, the only thing keeping me going is this blog that I just now am able to write because all my computers went down at once, along with my internet... that's two routers, four lap-tops and one tablet wiped, fried...almost meticulously keeping me offline one by one...I'm finally up and running, but I lost a lot of files I was going to sell (document templates etc.), hundreds of files and two of my books evaporated into the digital abyss.  My career is in shambles, I may never teach again, I've been falsely accused of things I cannot even attempt to publish, by people I loved, trusted and given the shirt off my back to time after time.  I am 100% alone, no one has my back, no one knows my story (yet), because that's how loyal I am.  I will have my they say because I am fighting every accusation and when the time comes I hope that my life history will be enough to prove that I am true, that I am decent, that I am good and that I am innocent.  I am praying like never before to God and asking that he protect me from this madness and beg for his forgiveness, protection but most of all that these trials come to an end soon.  This post is for all those people out there doing the right thing day after day when nobodies watching, only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up...only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up, only to get knocked down, kicked when they're down, then get back up...Keep getting up.
Got to get up...

Monday, August 03, 2015

To Track or not to Track...with Smart-Phone GPS...that is the Question...Scandalous, Pitiful or just plain old Natural

Almost divorced over this one...please share a story about GPS-ing your loved one (spouses don't count as they are property and have no "rights to privacy"  (wink)....cause I'm all over the place on this issue and i mean daily...XOXOXOXOXO


Aint Nothing but a G-Thing BB....

It's nice to succeed.  By definition to "succeed" at something, one must be evaluated but (sometimes) worse yet, one must be evaluated by someone...a group...a person...a union...a state...a get my drift....

I want to say thank you to everyone reading my blog and making me feel like a success.  I also hope to let you know that each view means so much more to me than the piddly bit of money i hope to make from advertisers (although a little scratch never hurt no one)...and I hope to blow your mind with better writing your're getting in this post....I hope I never lose anyone in my target audience for any mumblings you may come across...God bless...or not...whatever you life....cause life should be Free....Sincerely...Notorious-G

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Goodbye Explorer-Goodbye Past:

My 1996 4x4 Ford Explorer is gone forever...Someone just drove off with it for salvage...I  will miss you...That car symbolizes so many things for me...It's the first car I bought on payments...cost...$7,000...$10,400 after the 5-years of perfect on-time payment that eventually led to the Credit-Score that allowed me to eventually buy my house...The house I needed to buy when my first born was about to come into the world and the 2-bedroom duplex was just too small for my wife, mother-in-law, sister and son Johnny...That Explorer got me to Arizona and back just two weeks after I signed the papers, and at the time I remember thinking how risky it was taking such a long and important trip.  I had to go because I couldn't be away from my beloved new family that I started in Arizona.  One year apart was enough for me, so it was worth the risk...hmmm...risk a car break down and wait...or have faith in God and know everything will be all family home with me...where I know they'll be safe...wife next to me when I sleep...and in Michigan...where the doctors and specialists are plenty...No choice at all really...12-years later and almost nothing but preventative maintenance in costs, I say GOODBYE MY BEAUTIFUL EXPLORER...THANKS FOR THE MANY WINTERS OF SOUND SAFE DRIVING...MAY THE FUTURE BE AS GOOD TO ME AS YOU WERE...EMOTIONALLY YOURS...


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Autism Chronicles Part III: STILL A "STEP-DAD" AFTER 12-YEARS.....

We have a really nice guy come during the week to  be with Johnny...a Mentor if you will.  Great dude, but today I was unclogging the sink in the bathroom and Johnny tried to come in and the guy says..." Just a minute Johnny...wait till your step dad's done..."  My heart just crushed...that sums it up for me..."Step-dad" still after 12- years...what's 365  12 anyway?

Autism Chronicles Part II: (Trying to become a...) Proud Father of an Autistic Teenager

I am the proud father of a teenager with autism in that I'm proud of him but I'm not ready to call myself a "Proud Father," as in a "Father" who is proud of his achievements as a "Father." I've been Johnny’s Dad since he was about to turn 3-years old. I was proud when I Married his mother, only I think I was only proud of myself. Proud to make this single mom’s life better by marrying her and taking her far away from the sweltering heat, dust, danger and discrimination found only in other Border-towns.

In the beginning, I had always felt I was being humble by not talking about Johnny. He was my 1st son, but technically my "step-son," and he was “Special” so every time I did talk about him I always felt conflict within me like my stories should be kept private, or I wondered if people thought I wanted then to revere me, and sometimes I even felt like I was complaining. I remember how much work it was for my wife and I to start the process of getting Johnny the Medical support he needed even with the best insurance money could buy at the time. Those early years were when I learned about the spectrum of Autism, Cognitive Impairment and the affects Autism can have on taking your wife out on a date.

I never mentioned Johnny to many people because of the sacrifices I was making for him and the work I had to do because of him. The years went by and living with Autism became the biggest challenge in my life, and I’m not proud of my handling of Johnny’s Autism and my job as a Father could only be called mediocre at best, but I have improved over these last few years.
If I could tell Johnny anything I would tell him:”1st Thank you for sharing your mom with me.” 2nd, “I’m proud of you for moving here so long ago, so far from your Home and conquering so many challenges one after the other including me.” Lastly, "I'm going to make you proud to call me Dad one day, and make sure that you get the life I implied when I married your mother."

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Autism Chronicles-Finding Autism, Finding Love

Autism Awareness is April 02 for the world, but it's every day for me, so I decided to write my remaining April Blogs about my journey living with Autism.  I helped raised my step-son since he was almost 4-years old.  I actually met him before I met my wife.  He was sitting at a school cafeteria table alone screaming at the top of his lungs.  I knew he was Special Needs  because that's when Special Needs kids ate, but what I never understood was why the rest of the class was two tables over, including staff.  The first time I saw this wasn't the last time, then one day I saw the mom come and pick him up.  The staff hurriedly rushed her to his table, pointing in his direction while in the middle of a tantrum.  I recognized the mom from the restaurant where I got my burritos from after work and had given me the cold shoulder every time I tried to talk to her.  I had got tired of her ignoring me so I gave her my number and told her call me if she ever got bored, then found myself looking for another restaurant to buy my burritos.  The little boy at the huge round table was hers and my heart went out to them both and I felt like imposing my opinions about what I had been seeing all the time, too many times for that matter, but I just started working there so I kept my mouth shut and she never saw me.  Two weeks (more or less) passed when out of the blue she called me.  I'll never forget that day, it was a Sunday afternoon and I was in my office planning, watching tv etc., and after a long conversation she asked me out on a date.  Autism still meant nothing to me, I didn't know anything about her son other than he was 3-years old and was a student in the area's Head Start Program.   The words non-verbal, developmental delay, stimming, behavior disorder, cognitive impairment all meant nothing to me still.  That phone call changed my life forever.

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